Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fifa world cup

This international sport has been going on since the year 1930. Every four years countries would compete against each other to win the world cup. Before the actual world cup there are qualification rounds before starting the tournament. Countries from all over the world and ones you never even heard of compete to get qualified into the world cup. One of the best teams are Brazil Argentina France and Germany. Brazil won five world cups while italy won 4 world cups. These games get the audience very excited and I get excited too. If you want to watch the world cup live you would have to go to europe to see the real excitement going on. This is the most watched world sport because of how competitive the game gets. The USA even made their own team just to be a part of the game. It's a real fast paced game and you have to be anywhere from 18 to 30 if you wanna be on any team. These guys just run back and forth and don't get tired which is why you can't be 40 because your age starts to slow you down. The games are going to be held in Africa and the games are going to be intense. It all starts june 11th where mexico plays. Each day there are going to be three games playing each day. The qualification rounds happen during the four year wait. There are small tournaments that go on to determine who qualifies for the world cup.

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