Monday, June 14, 2010

Part 2

The slide show was talking about how many ways you can search the internet You search with certain words and underline specific words. There can be completely different searches if the words are worded in a different order. If you are specifically looking for something you hve to search exactly word for word.Google can also be used for getting gadgets. You can also make gmail accounts with google and personalize your settings for this site. You get many choices and features for background and visualization and you also get to choose custom backgrounds for your google if it's supported by them Google can search for anything on the web. The other plus is that it's perfectly safe for children probably the best search engine because it censors bad websites. You can search images videos get directions from the map you can do almost anything with google. With the gmail account you can create videos and slide shows for free. I would highly recommend getting a gmail account because it has so many positives and no negatives. There are limitless things you can do you can subscribe to rss feeds making it automatically put in your inbox when the site becomes updated and whatever else you subscribed to. 

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