Thursday, March 4, 2010

Geography (area you live, where exten...

Name:Dominick Uraga                                                                                                        Block:A
  1. Geography (area you live, where extended family lives, places you visited that influenced you, landscape of where you live - urban, rural, etc):I live in a urban area. The landscape I live in is full of plants and trees. During the summer when it rains it looks like a rain forest. After it's done raining it smells like fresh air.
  2. Gender:Male
  3. Race/Ethnic Group:hispanic
  4. Abilities:I can play the guitar, i can write in cursive 
  5. Likes/Dislikes (music, books, arts, sports, etc) I like rock music and alternative rock not a big fan of rap.
  6. Issues You Care About:I care that the food supply is rapidly decreasing. 
  7. Family Characteristics (size, occupations, family traditions, stories, etc):I have 5 family members.
  8. Dreams & Future Plans (careers, places you want to explore, etc):I wanna be a guitarist.
  9. Religion:N/A
  10. Economic Class (Upper, Middle, Lower):Middle

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