Friday, March 5, 2010

My generation of 21st century

    The way I can see my  generation compared to the last generation. Technology from last generation is out dated compared to the expectations of the current generation. A good example would be is phones. They never had them used for surfing the web. They were originally meant to call people from around the world. Now you can go on the internet e-mail or watch videos on youtube. People now rely on technology to get from one place to another. Or to survive a day. If the United States had no electricity for one day it will make a problem. Technology can help us in many ways. One of the main ways that technology helps us is transportation. Taking us to one point and to another. What you will always see with the current generation is cellphones. You will always see my generation with a technology gadget. 
    The common gadgets used by everyone is a Ipod or a cellphone. Phones you will always see would be a Iphone or a Blackberry. Commercials for phone companies have been improved. I remember when 3G was new and everyone wanted it. Now the phone companies made 4G phones making them more efficient. These new phones can call almost any area in the United States. Much more than the 3G phones. The only problem for new technology is nobody wants to do face to face communication. Now they invented good webcams people can talk online and see each other's faces. Another advancement the people can use are headset's. Most are meant for playing XBox or PS3. These are used to help communicate with other people that are online. Instead of typing you get the ability to speak through a microphone. This is great for game tournaments. There have been new military advancements and changes with public security. For instance, they have invented a new machine that displays the human body and shows anything under their clothes. This is used to prevent people from going into a plane with a bomb or a gun. I think they aren't going to use it because it shows all the body part details which shouldn't be used just to make sure they aren't a terrorist. 

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