Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rise of Franco in Spain

Spain remained a neutral country during world war 2. Franco the previous leader of Spain was alive for 82 years controlling spain. He was also the youngest general alive. Graduating from a Academic school he graduated as a lieutenant and was later battling in civil wars. After each battle raging on he gets constant promotions of his great efforts. From the Republic of Azena the War minister found a letter to the academy and read his speech. The way Franco wrote it was disrespectful and for that he was temporarily discharged for 6 months and had no position in the military for the time. Later that same year he is assigned a post in the islands by spain. The Spanish american war led Spain at a huge disadvantage and poor economic stablity for the spanish government. Over the next couple of years Franco slowly moves up the ranks and eventually becomes General of staff. Through elections of state they see Franco as a war hero and they voted for him.During the cold war Franco was desperate because of the economic downfall. U.S offers trade and weapon alliance with Spain and Franco accepts. There was a small party that attempted to weaken Franco's power it was called Nationalist party that was later exiled for their crims and actions. Franco was considered a valued ally and a great friend to Richard Nixon the Current President at the time of the occurance.

This poster was from Franco and it
means that they needed soldiers.
It's interesting how they show a woman
because they only have men that fight
the most often during a war.It was
Aimed towards the Plain Folks.
This just showed the Nationalists.
Showing that the Nationalists were
good people and would help make Spain
a better country and help them. This is
Glittering Generalities

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