Friday, April 9, 2010

Graduate portfolio

This topic relates to our graduate portfolio by talking about how our generation uses technology. You wouldn't notice it but almost every person in the world uses technology in the world today.It also helps talk about how we use it and what we use it for. Computers are used to help find and talk to people throughout the world. Cellphones are portable phones that you can take with you and call anyone. Now technology is so advanced you can play some computer games on your phones. Such as Assassin's creed or World at war Nazi Zombies. There have been many improvements to help make work easier and more efficient. Even though there are many positives to technology there is always a con to every good gadget. Any software that is online can potentially be taken over by what we call computer 'hackers'. Recently the pentagon has been hacked into by an unknown person and this is something the united states should really worry about.

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