Monday, June 14, 2010

Part 1 Google to the Max

1. Search Google for keywords;Google page rank
2. Click on either Google Technology or Google page rank calculator
3. What is the explanation of the matching term of your page?

    It talks about what ends up showing the most frequent and what rank the page is. Whether it's ranked as 200 or # 1.
The page rank calculator determines how to determine the rank of your site by following the steps of the site.

Example 2:Word order and choice matter
Compare the top results for grass snake:Images of grass snakes and basic facts about them.
Snake grass in the grass:It shows information about the snakes and no images
Snake+in+the grass: It has the same search as the previous search
Snake in the grass: has a dictionary definition with images and information about snakes.
Example 3:

2.Search a name allowing varying intervening words using george**bush.


Example 5:

3.There is nothing about global warming

Example 6: 


Example 7:

Example 8:
1b.Due Diligence is a term used for a number of concepts involving either the performance of an investigation of a business or person, or the ...

Example 9:

Example 10:
1. 2 267.96185 carats

2.5 hectares = 269 097.76 square feet

3.1555 = 0x613
4.electron mass = 9.10938188 × 10-31 kilograms
5.2.5 gigabytes = 21 474 836 480 bits
6.The Shilling 

Example 11:
1.New Mexico

Example 12:

Part 1 Google to the Max

1. Search Google for keywords;Google page rank
2. Click on either Google Technology or Google page rank calculator
3. What is the explanation of the matching term of your page?

    It talks about what ends up showing the most frequent and what rank the page is. Whether it's ranked as 200 or # 1.
The page rank calculator determines how to determine the rank of your site by following the steps of the site.

Example 2:Word order and choice matter
Compare the top results for grass snake:Images of grass snakes and basic facts about them.
Snake grass in the grass:It shows information about the snakes and no images
Snake+in+the grass: It has the same search as the previous search
Snake in the grass: has a dictionary definition with images and information about snakes.
Example 3:

2.Search a name allowing varying intervening words using george**bush.


Example 5:

3.There is nothing about global warming

Example 6: 


Example 7:

Example 8:
1b.Due Diligence is a term used for a number of concepts involving either the performance of an investigation of a business or person, or the ...

Example 9:

Example 10:
1. 2 267.96185 carats

2.5 hectares = 269 097.76 square feet

3.1555 = 0x613
4.electron mass = 9.10938188 × 10-31 kilograms
5.2.5 gigabytes = 21 474 836 480 bits
6.The Shilling 

Example 11:
1.New Mexico

Example 12:

Part 2

The slide show was talking about how many ways you can search the internet You search with certain words and underline specific words. There can be completely different searches if the words are worded in a different order. If you are specifically looking for something you hve to search exactly word for word.Google can also be used for getting gadgets. You can also make gmail accounts with google and personalize your settings for this site. You get many choices and features for background and visualization and you also get to choose custom backgrounds for your google if it's supported by them Google can search for anything on the web. The other plus is that it's perfectly safe for children probably the best search engine because it censors bad websites. You can search images videos get directions from the map you can do almost anything with google. With the gmail account you can create videos and slide shows for free. I would highly recommend getting a gmail account because it has so many positives and no negatives. There are limitless things you can do you can subscribe to rss feeds making it automatically put in your inbox when the site becomes updated and whatever else you subscribed to. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Digital story Rubric

Click Here to view story rubric 3

Digital Story Reflection
Every four years there is a tournament that goes on and people from around the world go to compete. The team that wins gets to hold the world cup for a year. During the four year wait they pick the teams for the World cup these are called the qualification rounds. Brazil has been in every single world cup ever. Brazil has won five world cups Italy won four Argentina won two and france won one world cup. When the games start they actually try in these gme. Most of the time during the small tournaments they don't try because they don't care if they win the small tournaments or not.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fifa world cup

This international sport has been going on since the year 1930. Every four years countries would compete against each other to win the world cup. Before the actual world cup there are qualification rounds before starting the tournament. Countries from all over the world and ones you never even heard of compete to get qualified into the world cup. One of the best teams are Brazil Argentina France and Germany. Brazil won five world cups while italy won 4 world cups. These games get the audience very excited and I get excited too. If you want to watch the world cup live you would have to go to europe to see the real excitement going on. This is the most watched world sport because of how competitive the game gets. The USA even made their own team just to be a part of the game. It's a real fast paced game and you have to be anywhere from 18 to 30 if you wanna be on any team. These guys just run back and forth and don't get tired which is why you can't be 40 because your age starts to slow you down. The games are going to be held in Africa and the games are going to be intense. It all starts june 11th where mexico plays. Each day there are going to be three games playing each day. The qualification rounds happen during the four year wait. There are small tournaments that go on to determine who qualifies for the world cup.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Digital story 2 rubric

Click here to view the rubric for story 2

Friday, April 30, 2010

Future now Contest

Reflection of my Digital Story
In my story it talks about what I use to do. Now I play guitar and I have much more fun with the guitar than playing video games. I plan on becoming a guitarist for the future and form a band. Right now I'm not really sure what I would call it because I'm still talking to other people to attempt and make a band. Music is one of the greatest creations because it makes unique sounds that are appealing to the ears.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Future now

I appreciate how many opportunities life gives us. I happen to choose to playing guitar. One of the best inventions ever made. I've been playing for a five months now and I have to admit it was fstrurating. At the beginning of this month I started to notice how much I improved with playing. I can strum faster cleaner and better. This is one of my dreams to accomplish. To eventually become a well known guitarist. The genres I prefer to play are heavy metal and rock because they are much more challenging than alternative rock or blues in my opinion. I love playing into solos because it feels like your in a different place while your playing this part and it feels good. In my years as of right now I have been playing covers for three types of music genre they are Alternative rock, Rock, And heavy metal. My favorite to play is heavy metal because most of heavy metal music uses palm muting and in my opinion it sounds great. What is even better than that is when I get into the solos because it's fast and sounds awesome. I'm glad I decided to start playing guitar because it became one of my favorite hobbies ever. Even though I was playing for a little while I catch on to techniques quickly and use them accordingly to match the songs I play. The bands that I normally cover over are Bullet for My Valentine and Coheed and Cambria. Claudio uses a really nice guitar called the double neck guitar and you can make much better sound because it can be used for acoustic and electric at the same time rather than switching guitars for the same sound.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


CSI Global Technology
Digitales Evaluation Rubric

Story Title (hyperlink story title to website) : and wheat 

Category                                                 Grade                                                            Criteria                                                  
Words                                    100                                    It shows images about how he talked a about

                                                                                        his personal experience.

Story Title (hyperlink story title to website) : Coming from vietnam 

Category                                                 Grade                                                            Criteria                                                  
Beyond words                         100                             It relates to being culturally aware and talks about
                                                                                                how the student's mother escapes from Vietnam.

Story Title (hyperlink story title to website) : Cuban missile Crisis 

Category                                                 Grade                                                            Criteria                                                  
Beyond words                        100                                It relates to the cuban crisis and is talking about a current

Monday, April 12, 2010

Digital story brainstorm

The topic im doing is about 2012. People think that the world is going to end in 2012. They believe this because of the movie most of them watched. I've been researching and Scientists say what is changing is going to be the magnetic field poles in the earth.

Digital story 2

Name:                                                                                            21st century Technology
4/12                                                                                               Digital Story 2
Introduction to Digital Story 2
1) What is your Topic:2012
2) What is the time period of story: Present
3)List the major points, facts, events, people, and/or ideas of your story:
 Major Points: What is going to happen in the future
Everybody is going to be affected in some way
I will try and talk about what will really happen in the year 2012.
4)Why do you feel this story is important to tell?
Many people think that the world is going to end in the year 2012
5) What are some challenges of telling this story? (hard to find information, personal, etc)
 Trying to convince people what will really happen and have them stop panicking.

6) List some images that come to mind when you think about this story?

I think about the world changing when I hear 2012. 

7) How does your project relate to our CSI Graduate Portfolio?
It helps make people aware of academic awareness for the future.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Graduate portfolio

This topic relates to our graduate portfolio by talking about how our generation uses technology. You wouldn't notice it but almost every person in the world uses technology in the world today.It also helps talk about how we use it and what we use it for. Computers are used to help find and talk to people throughout the world. Cellphones are portable phones that you can take with you and call anyone. Now technology is so advanced you can play some computer games on your phones. Such as Assassin's creed or World at war Nazi Zombies. There have been many improvements to help make work easier and more efficient. Even though there are many positives to technology there is always a con to every good gadget. Any software that is online can potentially be taken over by what we call computer 'hackers'. Recently the pentagon has been hacked into by an unknown person and this is something the united states should really worry about.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Digital Story

Click Here for Story Rubric

Digital Storytelling Rubric

Digital Storytelling Rubric

Project by:

Graded by:







Point of View - Purpose

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains a clear focus throughout.

Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for most of the presentation.

There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly clear.

It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the presentation.


Point of View - Awareness of Audience

Strong awareness of audience in the design. Students can clearly explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students can partially explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.

Some awareness of audience in the design. Students find it difficult to explain how the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.


Limited awareness of the needs and interests of the target audience.




Photostory contains 10+ pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 8-9 pictures and appropriate music/narration

Photostory contains 6-7 pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate

Photostory contains 5 or fewer pictures and music/narration may or may not be appropriate



Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/metaphors

Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism/ metaphors.

An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.

Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.


Sequencing of Information

Graphics & story line are organized in a clear, logical way. The story is easy to follow.

Most information is organized in a clear, logical way.  One picture seems to be out of place.

Two or more pictures seem to be out of place making the story difficult to follow.

There is no clear story.  Pictures seem to be sequenced randomly.


Voice - Consistency

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the majority (85-95%) of the presentation.

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible through some (70-84%)of the presentation.

Voice quality needs more attention.


Voice - Pacing

The pace (rhythm and voice punctuation) fits the story line and helps the audience really "get into" the story.

Occasionally speaks too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation) is relatively engaging for the audience.

Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), but it is often noticeable that the pacing does not fit the story line. Audience is not consistently engaged.

No attempt to match the pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience.



Layout is exceptionally creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, color, and background all work together to provide a consistent theme and a presentation that is easy to view/read. 


Layout is creative and visually appealing.  The fonts, colors, and background almost provide a clear theme. It is generally an easy presentation to read and follow.


Layout is visually appealing although some slides may be too cluttered or too empty.  The fonts, colors, and background do not necessarily provide a theme and there may be parts that are difficult to view/read.


Layout lacks visual appeal and is sometimes too cluttered or too empty.  It may be confusing at times.  The fonts, color, and background do not work well together  in the presentation making it difficult to view/read. There may be too many types of fonts, etc.




Grammar and usage were correct. 

Grammar and usage were typically correct, and errors did not detract from the story.

Grammar and usage were typically correct, but errors detracted from story.

Repeated errors in grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.



Images are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Some pictures are clear and in focus and cropped if necessary


Most pictures are not clear and are not in focus




Total Score  _32_____40 points

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rise of Franco in Spain

Spain remained a neutral country during world war 2. Franco the previous leader of Spain was alive for 82 years controlling spain. He was also the youngest general alive. Graduating from a Academic school he graduated as a lieutenant and was later battling in civil wars. After each battle raging on he gets constant promotions of his great efforts. From the Republic of Azena the War minister found a letter to the academy and read his speech. The way Franco wrote it was disrespectful and for that he was temporarily discharged for 6 months and had no position in the military for the time. Later that same year he is assigned a post in the islands by spain. The Spanish american war led Spain at a huge disadvantage and poor economic stablity for the spanish government. Over the next couple of years Franco slowly moves up the ranks and eventually becomes General of staff. Through elections of state they see Franco as a war hero and they voted for him.During the cold war Franco was desperate because of the economic downfall. U.S offers trade and weapon alliance with Spain and Franco accepts. There was a small party that attempted to weaken Franco's power it was called Nationalist party that was later exiled for their crims and actions. Franco was considered a valued ally and a great friend to Richard Nixon the Current President at the time of the occurance.

This poster was from Franco and it
means that they needed soldiers.
It's interesting how they show a woman
because they only have men that fight
the most often during a war.It was
Aimed towards the Plain Folks.
This just showed the Nationalists.
Showing that the Nationalists were
good people and would help make Spain
a better country and help them. This is
Glittering Generalities

World War 2 w/Propaganda

World war 2 was the most devastating war the World has ever witnessed in history to this day. New Breakthroughs in technology have given Germany advantages. Adolf developed a new type of warfare called BlitzKrieg German for lightning War. This was very effective eliminating Neighboring countries such as Poland and France. In this war Italy sided with the Axis powers making it hard for the Allied forces to fend off thousands of soldiers continuosly. U.S Didn't join the war until 1941 on December 8th. They started with Invasion on Omaha beach which was one of the most crucial victories to win in order to gain back France and their land. Thousands of men died on this beach because the German forces were prepared to defend the beach. Even against these odds Nearly 2 million soldiers were dropped off onto the beach and occupied it. After that American soldiers reclaimed the countries back to the people slowly but surely. They helped Stalin when Adolf hitler betrayed him. Due to harsh winter conditions the German's couldn't advance very far and Stalin found out Adolf hitler lied to him. Now preparing soldiers to attack Hitler's men they become pinned down and running out of supplies. The remaining soldiers surrendered and became Prisoners of War or P.O.W. When Hitler heard that the Allied forces were coming for Hitler he commited suicide. Now they had to focus on Japan and finally end the second World War. New Technological advances push through and Atomic bombs were created. Two Atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan. After the Devastating Explosions Japan finally surrendered and the allies won the war. Great effects were the war greatly increased America's Economic growth and their military increase led them to become a super power. Now america was prosperous and had industries being built all over the country.

This was used to get the Plain folk to buy war bonds and support the war. It's a interesting Propaganda because it shows Japan as a backstabber to the United States.

This picture shows that Japan is the enemy and they aren't sided with america. This would be used as name-calling. It's a detailed and interesting picture showing Japan going

World War 1 Propaganda /w Detailed Paragraph

World war 1 started from the assassination of the Archduke the soon heir to Austria-Hungary. The other countries got involved because of Alliances with other countries. Germany sided with Austria Hungary. At the time they used TrenchWarfare to battle on ground. There were huge disadvantages for this type of warfare because of infections from the trenches and can be easily Routed. New weapons came out during the War Two of them were Mustard Gas and the Machine Gun Turrets that can mow down hundreds of enemies with just one soldier. America came into the war when the British intercepted a call from Germany to Mexico the Zimmermann telegram attempting to make a alliance and take over The U.S through the South. This made Wilson angry because they used the U.S Communication line to contact Mexico. This was when U.S declares War on Germany and Sides With Britain. He began training troops immediately but he didn't have a plan of how he would fight the German soldiers.Wilson forced a draft because not enough Volunteers enlisted into the War.When the U.S sent three million troops into Europe and it made enough of a difference to push back German soldiers. America saved Europe from being Defeated by German and Austria forces. Russia couldn't help allied powers because they were having Civil Struggles.Now Germany had to pay for being the cause of the war and this is when the World gets worse. Adolf hitler one of the Fired soldiers became pennyless and made the Nazi party. Causing Riots on the streets he was arrested and sent to jail and let out them same year. During his time in prison he wrote how he would conquer the world and thought that god chose him to rule Germany. He became Germany's Dictator and would later lead to a problem. Limited to 100,000 soldiers he had planes being built in Japan and Trained Soldiers in Soviet Russia. For the next couple Years Adolf Hitler prepares for war.

The Volunteer poster was to help get people to jointhe War and let you choose what Branch of serviceyou would be in.This propaganda is trying to persuade by giving you options. This poster targeted Plain Folk.

Its trying to get people to not vote being in the War. It's effective because it's trying to show how e war is making people sad. This is targeting Plain Folk of America

Friday, March 26, 2010

Global Technology

Digital story about how I see my generation react with Technology.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My generation of 21st century

    The way I can see my  generation compared to the last generation. Technology from last generation is out dated compared to the expectations of the current generation. A good example would be is phones. They never had them used for surfing the web. They were originally meant to call people from around the world. Now you can go on the internet e-mail or watch videos on youtube. People now rely on technology to get from one place to another. Or to survive a day. If the United States had no electricity for one day it will make a problem. Technology can help us in many ways. One of the main ways that technology helps us is transportation. Taking us to one point and to another. What you will always see with the current generation is cellphones. You will always see my generation with a technology gadget. 
    The common gadgets used by everyone is a Ipod or a cellphone. Phones you will always see would be a Iphone or a Blackberry. Commercials for phone companies have been improved. I remember when 3G was new and everyone wanted it. Now the phone companies made 4G phones making them more efficient. These new phones can call almost any area in the United States. Much more than the 3G phones. The only problem for new technology is nobody wants to do face to face communication. Now they invented good webcams people can talk online and see each other's faces. Another advancement the people can use are headset's. Most are meant for playing XBox or PS3. These are used to help communicate with other people that are online. Instead of typing you get the ability to speak through a microphone. This is great for game tournaments. There have been new military advancements and changes with public security. For instance, they have invented a new machine that displays the human body and shows anything under their clothes. This is used to prevent people from going into a plane with a bomb or a gun. I think they aren't going to use it because it shows all the body part details which shouldn't be used just to make sure they aren't a terrorist.